Thursday, October 29, 2009

Serbs Tortured and Murdered In So-Called United Nations "Safe Areas" During Bosnian Civil War As Karadzic and Mladic Have Stated

These are Serbian Men Executed Srebrenica/Brcko Area As Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic Stated (Serbs Were Being Attacked By Islamists During Bosnia War Which Is Why Serb MIitary Had To Attack Srebrenica and Other So-Called UN "safe areas" During Bosnian War).

The Definition of a 'war crime' is an entire bloc (gang) of NATO United Nations Member States lying about Serbian 'war crimes' holding the country back, and its citizenry, from future generations having a better standard of living and basic human needs, by using economic sanctions, EU threats etc. to cover up their own political crimes; also against Republika Srpska too.


  1. I wonder why the ICTY has not had any media coverage on this issue? They have had plenty on a small video tape a less than 20 Muslims executed by Serbs!

    The ICTY is an unfair crimal court and Radovan Karadic has every right to boycott it!
